Employee Spotlight: Jackie Champion


Meet Jackie Champion! She’s worked at ABCH for two years as an Engagement Specialist. She develops partnerships with individuals and churches to raise money to help Alabama foster kids. Learn more about her below and why she is passionate about helping kids and families:

What led you to ABCH?
My daughter worked here and I always wanted to work at this ministry. As an adopted child, who grew up in a difficult environment, I feel very connected to the kids and families we care for. They are me. I wanted to be able to make an impact in the lives of hurting kids and families. ABCH is the perfect fit for me!

Why are you passionate about helping children and families from hard places?
As I said, I am adopted and grew up in a difficult environment. I found Jesus and He found me at an early age. I am a first generation believer. I realized that Jesus changes everything. I want the opportunity to share Him with other hurting kids and families through caring for them in many different ways. I truly feel when I am sharing with churches, individuals and businesses about ABCH that I am being the hands and feet of Jesus for these kids and families. This is more than a job to me. It's truly a ministry!

How has serving at ABCH been a blessing to you?
Seeing Jesus change the lives of kids and families. I have seen it. I have watched first hand as our foster families care for, love and protect hurting kids in Alabama. I have seen their little lives change. I have watched moms in Family Care who have come from such brokenness see that Jesus truly loves them. I have seen generational curses broken. Is there anything better?

Could you share one or more of favorite memories as an employee of ABCH?
One of our kids in foster care came to us unable to speak in an understandable way. ABCH was able to buy him and IPad and an expensive ap. He has improved so much! His foster parents love him dearly. Such a delight to see him begin to communicate clearly.

Are there any additional things you would like to share? 
Women and children are my heart. The Lord has placed Family Care deep on my heart for this year. As the new team leader for Women of Compassion, I believe this movement of women will have a great impact on the lives of many hurting moms and kids in Family Care. This army of women will also impact in a huge way our foster kids and foster parents. They are also ministering to our Social Workers who are on the front lines doing the hard work of protecting Alabama kids. I am praying the Lord will use us mightily to do His work in Alabama and I believe He will!